Tellurium Q Black II Power Cable - 1.8m - AU / NZ Plug

Brand: Tellurium Q
Product Code: TLQ-BLK-PWR
Warranty: 7 Years
Tellurium Q
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Black II Power Cable

The old version of the Black II was a good cable and indeed won awards but by comparison the old Black sounded “clumsy” compared to this new version Black II which is far more refined, on point musically and more in keeping with our research over the last 5 years. Looking very similar externally, the difference is apparent when you plug it into your system.

Performance Profile

Tellurium Q Black II Power Cable

Blue Family

Warm and forgiving for systems with a slight edge or for those who like a more smooth laid back presentation. Blue and Ultra Blue are especially good for AV and home cinema.

Black Family

Smooth, fine detailed and great resolution while actually reducing apparent harshness. Music is presented as a coherent, organic whole, with a jaw-dropping sense of realism and naturalness.

Silver Family

Totally uncoloured, acting as a wide open channel sounding unforced, vivid and dynamic with phenomenal resolution, transparency and natural tonal colours. All this while sounding extremely analogue and coherent, from the exceptional top end extension to bottom with finely detailed, separated bass notes.

Reviews & User Comments

“…suffice to say with the Black II it really did its homework. The result is a great-sounding, premium-priced mains cable that’s a meaningful upgrade to high-end systems”

“The new Tellurium Q Black II is well worth auditioning. It brings an easily discernible improvement … and is even better than its redoubtable predecessor too”

– Jay Garrett, StereoNET

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“So if you need to change the cable in the system at some point, I recommend starting with this AC cable. Great job.”

– Wijit Boonchoo, Tech Talk

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“I didn’t think I would be able to hear much of a difference between the old and new, but I was surprised at just how improved the Black II was, whether it be the speed of transients, improved soundstage or improved lower bass end and it was noticeable with all sources and all music.

I didn’t expect a mains cable to improve my listening anywhere as much as it did.”

– Janine Elliot, HiFi Pig

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“After connecting the cable, we get a more intelligible rendering of space and such a powerful improvement in the resolution of fine details. The changes could be compared with what happens to a video image when shown on a good matrix with some contrast enhancement, but in the second case, it was as if the 2K image itself had turned into 4K.

Let’s sum up the final results. Black II power cables guaranteed increases the resolution of the sound.

Things that for the same money help to jump into another level, are really rare.”

– Audio Video,

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“There’s no doubt in my mind that, compared with its predecessor, the Black II offers a notable improvement in audio quality with a new level of refinement to the sound. Given that there is no increase in cost, it’s clearly better value for money too.”

– Neville Roberts, Hi-Fi Choice

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“Tellurium Q, on the other hand, seems to have found ‘the answer’ in terms of its cable designs. I can’t remember when I last gave the company a bad review. And it’s not for the want of trying. I really have tried to nit pick the company’s cables because I’ve actually been bored with showering them with superlatives. “Oh come on! Really? There must be an issue here somewhere?” Try as I might, I have real problems. It doesn’t help my grizzled reviewer reputation, let me tell you. The company has hit on a special formula with its cable production that I have major problems in faulting.

This Black II mains cable is, I’m afraid, no exception to that deeply troubling situation. It sounds lovely. Damn it.”

– Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man

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“Introducing the new Tellurium Q Black II power cable I can hear an edge to Faulkner’s voice in the introduction I have not heard before, it is like his voice is breaking up as he reaches for the notes. The guitar resolution is also that little bit cleaner, pointing to an enhanced midrange delivery, something I notice in the next track, Skinny Love. At the first crescendo of the track, the soundstage is different; bigger, and heightened, longer. Does the Transmission Line bass loading linger for that fraction more, I think it does?”

– Simon Wilce, HiFi and Music Source

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“The new Tellurium Q Black Mk II represents the best that I have heard from any mains cable that retails for under £1,000. …. once you have heard it I think you will know very quickly that you cannot go back to whatever was there before, and you will be really hearing what your system can achieve.”

– Chris Kelly, The Ear

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“HIFi Review gives our Black Power cable Best Buy 2018”

– HiFi Review, Hong Kong

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“The sound much more detail, but in music – more life.When connecting the source is cleaned upper range, better tools are divided. It is better to hear all the components of a symphony orchestra.”

– Nikolay Efremov, Audio Video

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“In short, we face the best audio cables High End to be found in our country if we stick strictly to the quality/price. A real discovery”

– Salvador Dangla, AV Premium

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“A frankly stunning performance – a rare set of cables that have the ability to transform your entire hi fi chain”

– Hi-Fi World, March 2012 Edition

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