Ultra Black II Speaker Cable
Ultra Black II
Even taking in account all the awards that the old Ultra Black speaker cable won, this new version gives a whole new level of performance that is obvious from the first second of listening. Greater detail, more clarity, more organic but still sitting very firmly in the Black cable family.
The first few people to have heard the new cable were surprised to say the least.
Old Ultra Black
“Tellurium Q Ultra Black is the cable we wanted to make from day one". Tellurium Q told their UK distributor what to expect as they handed them a prototype that looked more like a fireman’s hose and less like a sonic phenomena. They glanced at the heavy, stiff and it has to be said ugly brown experiment. “Yes, well we will give it a go and take it to a few dealers to see what they think”. Later that day they get a phone call from our disbelieving UK distributors at Kog Audio, “what the hell is in it? We’ve never heard anything like this!”.
They took it on trust that the production version would be incredibly thin and flexible by comparison and look a whole lot better. So Kog Audio put in an advance order that day without needing to see or hear the production model because, in their words, “if it is even quarter as good as the prototype it will blow people away”.
We think that the production version sounds better than the prototype.
At first glance you could be forgiven for thinking that the Blue Diamond and Ultra Black were the same cable with different printing but when you plug the Ultra Black into your system there is absolutely no doubt that the Ultra Black is in a totally different league.
Termination Options

Note: All Tellurium Q Speaker cables can be bi-wired by adding an extra cable during manufacture.
Performance Profile

Blue Family
Warm and forgiving for systems with a slight edge or for those who like a more smooth laid back presentation. Blue and Ultra Blue are especially good for AV and home cinema.
Black Family
Smooth, fine detailed and great resolution while actually reducing apparent harshness. Music is presented as a coherent, organic whole, with a jaw-dropping sense of realism and naturalness.
Silver Family
Totally uncoloured, acting as a wide open channel sounding unforced, vivid and dynamic with phenomenal resolution, transparency and natural tonal colours. All this while sounding extremely analogue and coherent, from the exceptional top end extension to bottom with finely detailed, separated bass notes.
Reviews & User Comments
“It does not appear to be very difficult when hitting the high range, and the overall tight-knit part produces a very high level of playback sound. The sound of the analog feel is definitely full of charm.”
– Jonghak Lee, HiFi Club
Read The Full Review“Having inaugurated an awards season for 2022, it seemed appropriate to acknowledge some key pieces of HiFi equipment that have passed through HF&MS over the preceding nine years. There have been just three ‘Night and Day’ moments over this period. These experiences are usually unexpected and simply tangible, where you just think; ‘blimey, this is really really good!
I was one of those who appreciated cables were important but I had no idea how profound the introduction of a medium to high-end cable could be and the Ultra Black II is by no means Tellurium Q’s best cable.”
– Simon Wilce, HiFi & Music Source
Read The Full Review“The Ultra Black II speaker cable is good for systems where you need to improve spatial clarity. The images keep their density and their weight, the imaginary contours of virtual sources are better outlined and detailed separation of foregrounds appears. The same effect of underlined three-dimensionality of the front edge of the scene, and even with some expansion of the stereo base.
Things that for the same money help to jump into another level, are really rare.”
– Audio Video, SalonAV
Read The Full Review“The cables of the English brand TelluriumQ offer solid production quality and sound standards for a reasonable price. The Ultra Black II series cables keep up with the more expensive [deleted]”
– Daniel Březina, Hi-Fi Voice
Read The Full Review“It is hard to understand what has happened here, the last few weeks of exposure to Tellurium Q have changed my perception of HiFi and what can be achieved.”
– Simon Wilce, HiFi and Music Source
Read The Full Review“It is this further extension of flesh-and-blood tangibility to vocals, guitar/bass fretwork, timbral colour and dynamic inference offered by the Ultra Black II which sets it apart from its brethren; it simply helped put performers in the room.”
– Resistor Magazine
Read The Full Review“Vocals and music are in three dimensions that frees speakers and leaves only sound, mood and atmosphere. The speakers disappeared.”
– Audiophile Magazine, Thailand
Read The Full Review“To be honest, sometimes I do struggle to hear meaningful differences between one brand and another or one model and another within a manufacturer’s offerings. However, I was genuinely taken aback when I first installed the Tellurium Q Ultra Black II speaker cables.”
– The Ear Awards Edition, 2019
Read The Full Review“the performance of the Ultra Black II is not skewed by materials or shaped by pseudoscience; it stands of falls on its sonic properties. We found that, “the character of the speaker cables is distinctly pacy; this is very much a rhythm-oriented cable, where timing is given top billing regardless of the music being played. And this makes it very engaging and powerful; my foot started tapping of its own accord and I found myself swept up with the groove on all manner of tracks.”
– HiFi Plus, Awards Edition
Read The Full Review“When playing the best live recordings, the Tellurium Q cable was able to convey the acoustics of the venue and vivid reactions of the audience in a very convincing way deepening the feeling of participation in the event….. I believe that for many people the Ultra Black II may be the end of their search for a still reasonably priced, high quality speaker cable”
– Marek Dyba, HiFi Knights
Read The Full Review“If you have the original Tellurium Q Ultra Black then this update might take you aback. It doesn’t just improve on the original it takes the sound on in leaps and bounds…… I heard the same effect on every track I played – leading me to believe that there is something special going on with these Ultra Black IIs….Tellurium Q’s Ultra Black II’s can be see as one of the best loudspeaker cables on the market at their price”
– Jon Myles, Hi-Fi World
Read The Full Review“The character of the speaker cables is distinctly pacy; this is very much a rhythm-oriented cable, where timing is given top billing regardless of the music being played. And this makes it very engaging and powerful; my foot started tapping of its own accord and I found myself swept up with the groove on all manner of tracks.”“Tellurium Q Ultra Black II is a remarkably coherent and “well-timed” cable”
– Jason Kennedy, HiFi Plus
Read The Full Review“It was like when I upgraded my TV from an HD LED set to an Ultra High Definition 4K set. The differences were stunning…..What I can state is that the Ultra Black 11 cables are currently the best I have heard in my system
The Ultra Black II’s allow our ears and brain to work as they would in a live environment picking out every nuance and sound cues to create that actual experience, not a close approximation. Let’s just say I was hearing so much more into the performance. I genuinely was hearing microscopic details I just didn’t know we there before”
– Ian Ringstead, HiFi Pig
Read The Full Review“However, whatever it is it works wonders. I have yet to hear a speaker cable which delivers timing like this one. I cannot quantify scientifically the difference between the two generations but if pressed I’d say they are 30 to 40 percent better. That is a big leap in performance.
A good friend of mine manages a well respected retail outlet in South West London, and gave me a lot of invaluable advice and guidance when I decided to get a Linn LP12, which I did last year. When I told him what I was reviewing he said “Good, now you will find out just how good that LP12 really is!. He was right.”
– Chris Kelly, The Ear
Read The Full Review“The Tellurium Q Ultra Black cables achieve component status: that is to say, before changing any of your system’s components you should audition these cables first”
– Christian Bayer, Image HiFi.com
Read The Full Review“Clear and very transparent. Especially the details. That’s “amazing”, is very remarkable in every way, the more I listened the more I love it.”
– What HiFi, Thailand
Read The Full Review“The extension is incredibly clean and natural and I must say that I didn’t manage to find that in another cable until now… I’ve been listening to some live recordings which were incredibly real, from the sounds in the audiences, to the voices and instruments on the stage. Even the clapping was hauntingly lifelike, putting me right there in front of the audience.”
– Dan-Alexandru Gheorghe, HeadMania
Read The Full Review“naturalness , timbres and dynamics of these connectors are so remarkable that my packing and sending back is really very, very difficult – if it even still happens.”
– Frank Neu, Fidelity Online, August 2015
Read The Full Review“Whatever you do, don’t audition the Ultra Black. As I said before, once you do, there’s no going back.”
– Steve Dickenson, HiFi Plus, Awards Issue 2010
Read The Full Review“What the Ultra Blacks will do for your record collection is to both extract the fine detail from within and reveal its personality. The Ultra Blacks will lay bare your music, getting under the skin of each recording.”
– Paul Rigby, Hi-Fi World 2010
Read The Full Review“clarity is the only word I can really find to describe the effect of these cables, and I must admit (as a cable sceptic full stop) it shocked me”
– Lin Smith, HiFi Pig
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